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Designed for managing teams at the pitch side for games such as Rugby or Football, Pitch Play allows you to:

Configure your Games

- Set up your players, assign them team names and default positions
- Set up the field positions and associated player count for your game
- Configure game events, for example try, tackle, pass or goal, pass, save, and assign an associated score where applicable

Manage your Events and Games

- Add events and games for that event
- Add clubs where the events will take place
- Move players easily during the game by simply dragging the players on or off the pitch
- Monitor game time, game events, and time spent on the pitch for each player
- See rankings for the time players have been on the field
- View a slide out summary screen of sortable player field times for the event
- See Players who have been substituted off the pitch and update status to injured or carded if required
- Copy player positions from the previous half or game

Review your Games

- View completed game details, including who did what and when
- View details for an event and easily send an email version

Plan your Games

- A round robin schedule from a selected list of clubs can be made in seconds and either viewed on screen or emailed.